Parents/Guardians » Attendance


24 Hour Attendance Line 335-3812
Please be sure to leave the student's name, your name and relationship to the student, date of and the reason for the absence within 72 hours of the absence or it may be recorded as unexcused.  

Absence Policy

  • A parent or guardian must call the 24-hour attendance line at 335-3812 within 72 to report any student absence.  Parent or guardian must leave a date, reason, and phone number when reporting an absence.  If an absence is not reported within 72 hours, the absence may be recorded as unexcused.
  • An automated message will call home each night to report absences. If parents answer the call and leave a message about the absence on the machine, no further contact is required.
  • California Education Code recognizes only the following reasons as excused absences: personal illness; religious holidays; medical or dental services; serious family emergencies; and/or school suspension.
  • All other absences will be recorded as unexcused. For example, a family trip is not an excused absence.
  • If your student will be missing five or more days, please contact the registrar for an independent studies contract.  You must notify the office two weeks prior to the absence to arrange for this.
  • If a student is absent from the school day, that student may not participate in any extracurricular school activity that day, including sporting events and dances.  This applies to both excused and unexcused absences.
  • Habitually absent and/or tardy students and their parents may be referred to the Attendance Review Board.


Tardy Policy

  • Parents or guardians must sign the tardy student in through the office.
  • Students with three or more unexcused tardies will receive a progressive school consequence.
  • Excused reasons for being late are medical appointments or sickness.
  • Plan ahead for Traffic and weather as they are not reasons to excuse a tardy.