Boys Soccer
Q: How many Boys' Soccer teams can our middle school have?
A: The Central Coast Athletic League (CCAL) and SLVMS has ONE combination (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) Boys' Soccer team.
Q: How does a student participate in soccer?
A: Come to the tryouts. We strongly recommend you attend all tryout dates.
A: Tryout waivers form must be completed prior to tryouts.
A: Wear appropriate soccer gear( shorts, cleats, shin guards).
Q: What if I 'm sick from Covid and can't get to a tryout?
A: An athlete who has been required to quarantine due to Covid will have an opportunity to have 1 tryout day upon returning to school prior to any league games played.
Q. When will the roster be announced?
A: The roster will be posted on the website Friday after tryouts. Once the roster is announced, packets will be given at the coaches meeting and MUST be completed and turned in with the coach or Athletic Director prior to uniform check out.
Q: When will picture day be?
TBA at a later date