Girls Basketball
How many Girls' Basketball teams does SLVMS have?
A: Typically, SLVMS will have three Girls' Basketball teams (6th, 7th, and 8th grade).
Q: How can my athlete participate?
A: Come to the tryouts. We will have 3 days of tryouts, it is strongly recommended you attend all 3.
A: Completed Tryout waiver form must be turned into the coach at tryout.
Q: What if I'm sick from Covid and can't get to a tryout?
A: An athlete who has been required to quarantine due to Covid will have an opportunity to have 1 tryout day upon returning to school prior to any league games played.
Q: When will the rosters be announced?
A: The roster will be posted on our website the Friday after the last tryouts.
A: If your child made the roster a code of conduct/donation packet will be passed out. A parent meeting will be scheduled to meet the coach and return completed packets. All packets after that must be returned to the Athletic Director or office prior to uniform check out and game participation.